Phoenix Tumbling & Gymnastics
Code of Conduct
- Please ensure your child arrives on time for their session.
- Please make sure your child is suitably dressed for their session.
- Please inform the club (when possible) if your child will be more than 5 minutes late.
- Please do not enter the gym unless specifically asked to by a coach or member of staff.
- Please collect your child from our upstairs waiting area. DO NOT wait downstairs.
- NEVER instruct your child to wait outside the building for you.
- When watching your child please use our upstairs waiting area and live stream. Do not crowd the entrance to the gym as this is a fire safety hazard.
- Please do not distract your child during their session.
- Please feel free to ask your child's coach any questions you have regarding their progress.
- Arrive on time for your session.
- Ensure you are suitably dressed for your session.
- Be ready for the time your session is scheduled to start.
- Do not enter the gym before your session has begun unless otherwise instructed by a coach or member of staff.
- Participate in all aspects of the warm up prior to taking part in any other parts of the session.
- Do not start using any equipment unless a coach has instructed you to do so.
- Respect coaches and other gymnast's personal space.
- Encourage other gymnasts throughout the session.
- Do not criticise or bully any other gymnasts.
- Respect other gymnasts and your coaches at all times.
- Respect the equipment.
- Punching, kicking, hitting, slapping, scratching, biting or any other forms of physical altercations will not be tolerated.
- Do not leave the gym until your coach has dismissed your group.
- Ask a coach prior to leaving the gym for any other reason (toilet, water etc.).
- If you are unsure on anything or would like any advice on how to improve please always feel free to ask your coaches.
- To streamline administration - our Facebook and Instagram inboxes are only monitored sporadically. In order to contact the club please email [email protected].
- Please do not contact coaches through their personal telephone numbers or social media accounts.
- All communications between the club and members should be via an over 18 parent or guardian.
- Gymnasts should never contact their coaches directly. In case of emergency please can gymnasts contact one of the club's public social media pages.
The following is acceptable attire for a gymnastics session:
- Leotard
- T-shirt (not baggy)
- Sports top
- Tracksuit top
- Sleeveless top
- Shorts
- Leggings
- Joggers (not baggy)
- Jewellery
- Watches
- Baggy hoodies, jackets, t-shirts etc.
- Skirts
- Dresses
- Cardigans
- Pyjamas
- Tights